I took my kids to Goodwill – they thought it was Christmas!

Dear Moms,
I took my kids to Goodwill to do some toy shopping and I couldn’t stop laughing!
Their joy and excitement rivaled the level of Christmas morning.  My youngest son got so excited that he tinkled in his diaper (literally, I was holding him and I felt the warm of the diaper on my hip!).  My oldest was running around touching everything, but it was o.k…..what could we possible break?!
Do you know they have a $1 grab bag section – fill up the bag with as much as you can (toys, toys, and MORE toys) and you get everything in the bag for $1!  The fun part for me was that not only did we exit with some fun and new (to us) outside play toys, but I got some towels, dishes, and swim suits to donate to the Garage Sale for all under $10!!!!!
I can’t wait to see all your stuff and what God is blessing a new home with!  See you and your stuff on May 12th!

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